Categories |
4 points |
3 points |
2 points |
1 point |
INTRODUCTION reader engagement explanation of topic |
Well-developed intro engages reader and creates interest.
Contains well-defined and thorough explanation of topic. |
Introduction creates interest but not well developed.
Contains an explanation of topic. |
Intro is generic, creating little interest.
Contains adequate explanation of topic but is vague. |
Intro is collection of random info not related to topic.
Explanation of topic is vague or unclear. |
TOPIC argument main points supporting examples |
Argument logical and thoughtful.
Well-developed points directly relate to topic.
Supporting examples are concrete and detailed. |
Argument present, adequate.
Main points relate to topic but don’t go beyond the obvious.
Supporting examples general and/or unspecific. |
Argument present but weak.
Some main points are present but missing obvious points.
Few supporting examples given are weak or irrelevant. |
Argument not present.
Few main points, poor development of ideas.
No supporting examples given. |
ORGANIZATION structure transitions |
Logical progression of ideas, clear structure that enhances topic.
Transitions are thoughtful and flow with essay. |
Logical progression of ideas but structure not always clear.
Transitions are present, but often weak or awkward. |
Structure is clear but at times is awkward and/or distracting.
Some weak/poor transitions are present. |
No discernible structure and/or organization.
No transitions are present. |
STYLE AND MECHANICS sentence flow and variety language and word choice |
Writing is smooth and skillful, with strong, varied sentences.
Language is direct and concise, and words chosen are clear and suitable. |
Writing is clear and sentences often have varied structure.
Language is sometimes overly wordy, and/or words chosen are fillers or artificial. |
Writing is clear overall, but sentences lack variety.
Language is often redundant or pompous, and/or words chosen are unsuitable. |
Writing is hard to follow with fragments or run-on sentences.
Language is chaotic and words chosen are inappropriate for college-level work. |
Spelling and grammar are correct. No errors. |
Spelling and grammar mainly correct, with few errors (1-3). |
Some errors in spelling and grammar (4-6). |
Distracting number of spelling and grammar errors. |
Remember that this is a 20-point assignment ... the detail and comprehensiveness of your response should reflect that additional weight.
For your project, you looked at population growth and the effects of population characteristics on a country's physical environment, culture, politics and economy. The assignment required you to calculate the doubling times for 8 specific countries and to write a project summary that included specific components. The following rubric explains the points you received based on the summary you sent.
___ Accurate doubling statements for 8 specified countries (4 points max)
___ Discussion of low-growth-rate countries (6 points max)
___ Discussion of high-growth-rate countries (6 points max)
___ Correct spelling and grammar (4 point max)
___ Submitted by deadline OR ___ days late (Subtract 1 point per day late.)
Remember that this is a 20-point assignment ... the detail and comprehensiveness of your response should reflect that additional weight. It's also your last opportunity to show me how much you've learned in the course.