GEOG 1301 Unit 8


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Unit 8: Conclusion



A.  Read the following selections from the Margin Notes by clicking on each link.


There are no Margin Notes selections to read for this unit.



B.  Watch these presentations. When you click on one of the links below, a new screen will pop up. Use the scrollbar on the side of the new screen to navigate. You need Adobe Reader to view PDF files.


There are no presentations to watch for this unit.



C.  (Optional) Read the following chapters from the textbook.

There are no chapters to read for this unit.


D1 Print the Required Links document below and include it in your field manual.


D2. The following Optional Links will help you do better in your course but they are not required.

GEOG 1301 Unit 8 Concept List

GEOG 1301 Unit 8 Review

GEOG 1301 Course Review

How to Study for Tests (PDF)

Earth Systems Science Analysis (PDF)

Earth Systems Science Analysis Mini (PDF) (a very general and abbreviated version of the previous document)

GEOG 1301 Project Rubric

GEOG 1301 Field Manual Protocols and Checklist (Look at the protocols and check list before assembling your field manual.)


E.  Project: Completing the Field Manual (20 points)To Do Note

For your project you are responsible for completing and turning in your Field Manual. A complete description of the requirements and additional details are in the Field Manual Protocols and Checklist and the Grading Rubric for the Field Manual (both above).

It is essential that you are familiar with the instructions in those documents and that you follow them in putting together your field manual.

Field Manual Protocols gives a complete list of the documents you are required to include in your field manual and in what order. All of those documents, except for the final data sheets, have been available for a while. If you have not already begun putting together your field manual, it's time you started.


Project Submission Instructions

By the deadline shown in the Course Schedule on the main page of the syllabus:
  • Put your field manual, completed according to the instructions, in the box ___. (Please note on the Course Schedule that your field manual is due by 9 pm -- not midnight as with your other assignments. If you turn in your field manual after 9 pm, it will be 1 day late.)

  • Make certain that you've put your name, the semester and the year on the field manual title page.

  • Late manuals will lose one point per day late, including weekends and holidays.

A NOTE OF CAUTION: This is a 20-point comprehensive assignment ... the detail and thoroughness of your response should reflect that additional weight.

Proofread your work for spelling and grammar errors and make corrections where necessary.





Course EvaluationTo Do Note

While the benefit you gain from your courses is ultimately up to you, all faculty members take seriously the responsibility for facilitating student learning. Faculty members desire students’ honest opinions to help improve instruction and to help verify the positive aspects of instruction. Creating online courses is extremely labor-intensive and time-consuming and all online faculty members value thoughtful feedback.

I’ve modified a short face-to-face student evaluation for online student use and strongly encourage you to participate. The answers from each completed evaluation are electronically submitted to a results file that is never publically accessible. Because no login is required to complete the evaluation, it is impossible to identify who completed a specific evaluation. The only information associated with an individual evaluation (as a method of weeding out bogus evaluations) is the date and time it was submitted.

To begin, go to the Student Course Evaluation page and follow the directions. Take care to choose the correct course and semester. Too, remember that your course is an online course and should be compared to other online courses you've taken, not to face-to-face courses. If the course you are evaluating is your first online course, compare it to your realistic expectations of an online course.

The evaluation will be available at the link above two weeks prior to your final exam and will remain available for one week following your final.  The evaluation only takes about 10 minutes to complete but the feedback you provide will be invaluable … I really do use student feedback to help improve my courses!





Final Exam (20 points)To Do Note

The final exam has 40 multiple-choice questions. Each question is worth one-half point. There is a comprehensive review for the final on the Final Exam Review page, linked off of the main page of the syllabus.

The final exam is an online exam.  You must read the instructions for the final exam before taking it. The instructions are on the main page of your syllabus just below the Course Schedule.

Please note that students taking the final exam online must complete the exam by the deadline shown in the Course Schedule on the main page of the syllabus. The deadline gives you the maximum possible amount of time to take the exam but it allows NO margin of error since grades are due. If you miss that deadline, regardless of the reason, you will not be able to take a make-up exam. I strongly encourage you to take it early rather than risking damage to your grade by waiting until the last minute.



Copyright © 1996 Amy S Glenn
Last updated:   04/06/2024 0600

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