Final Exam Review


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The Final Examination has 40 multiple-choice questions. The questions on the final are taken from the textbook and the online materials. The following review is comprehensive. That means that if you see it here, you'll see it on the test. If you don't see it here, you're not responsible for it. Good luck on the final. Let me know if you have questions.

  1. What components do all maps contain?

  2. What kind of maps communicate geographic concepts such as world climate zones, population density or the distribution of plants and animals.

  3. The earth is a/an __ system.

  4. What are the earth’s four major systems?

  5. When an event occurs, an earth system science analysis examines each event to sphere, sphere to event and sphere to sphere interaction and creates a/an __ to analytically describe the event’s impact on the earth system.

  6. Climographs are a graphic way of displaying climate information ... specifically, average __ and __.

  7. The information in yellow on the station reporting symbol below represents the __.


  8. The information in yellow on the station reporting symbol below represents the __.


  9. The information in yellow on the station reporting symbol below represents the __.


  10. The information in yellow on the station reporting symbol below represents the __.


  11. The information in yellow on the station reporting symbol below represents the __.


  12. The information in yellow on the station reporting symbol below represents the __.


  13. We call the transition zone between two air masses of different density a __.

  14. The Saffir-Simpson Damage-Potential Scale with which we measure hurricanes is based mainly on __.

  15. Where is the vast majority of earth’s water found?

  16. We call the process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas or vapor __.

  17. __ is the process by which moisture is carried through plants from roots to small pores on the underside of leaves, where it changes to vapor and is released to the atmosphere.

  18. __ is the downward movement of water from the land surface into soil or porous rock.

  19. We call the process in which water vapor in the air changes into liquid water __.

  20. In order for a cloud to develop, what three things do you need?

  21. The clouds shown in the pictures below are __ clouds.

question 21 cloud type


  1. The clouds shown in the pictures below are __ clouds.

question 22 cloud type


  1. The clouds shown in the pictures below are __ clouds.

question 23 cloud type


  1. The clouds shown in the pictures below are __ clouds.

question 24 cloud type


  1. __ are broad major groupings of natural ecosystems that include animal and plant life.

  2. The elements of an ecosystem that are non-living - water, temperature, relief, soil type, fire, nutrients, etc. – are called __ factors.

  3. The elements of an ecosystem that are living – for example, plants and animals – are called __ factors.

  4. __ is the process in which plants use carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) to produce carbohydrates and oxygen (O2).

  5. Scientists assign every organism in an ecosystem to a feeding level, or __ level, depending on whether it is a producer or consumer and on which type of consumer it is.

  6. The different colored layers you find in soil are called __.

  7. When put together, all the horizons in a soil sample comprise the soil profile. At the top of the profile is the __ horizon.

  8. The __ is the brittle outer shell of the earth.

  9. The deep interior of the earth remains somewhat of a mystery but we know that the __ comprises 80% of the earth's total volume.

  10. The surface of the lithosphere is fractured into a number of __ __ that are in constant motion.

  11. __ refers to processes that physically breakdown and chemically alter earth material.

  12. Karst development almost always takes place in __.

  13. The fundamental unit of study for fluvial processes is the __ __, a portion of the earth's surface that contains a main stream and its tributaries.

  14. A __ is an accumulation of loose sand grains piled up by the wind.

  15. There are two main types of glaciers, __ glaciers and __ glaciers.

  16. In coastal zones, the combined effect of waves, currents and tides results in a variety of gradational processes acting in the coastal zone. Most important is __, caused by the scraping or impact of sediment carried by water thrown against shore materials.



Copyright © 1996 Amy S Glenn
Last updated:   04/06/2024 0600

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