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Earth Week: A Diary of the Planet Demographic Transition
7 Billion and Counting (3:36) Worldodometers: live world population counter with data sheets, graphs and details of population growths since year 1 ... also counters for world energy use, the number of cigarettes smoked today, the sale of illicit drugs and many other topics We recently reached 7 billion people in the world. On this page you can see every single one of us … one by one. The Census Bureau's US and World Population Clock Animation of population growth 1950 to 2050 in China. Animation of total fertility by life expectancy in China, India and the USA, 1950-2050. Science of Sustainability lectures Temporal Anomalies Arranged by Country (1900-2016) Infographic: How Ten Companies Own All the World’s Food Brands When will the planet be too hot for humans? Much sooner than you think. Why it's so hard to talk about the worst problem in the world If we stopped emitting greenhouse gases right now, would we stop climate change? 5 numbers that will define the next 100 years As Climate Changes, Southern States Will Suffer More Than Others How much do you know about solving global warming? Arctic stronghold of world’s seeds flooded after permafrost melts. Miles of Ice Collapsing Into the Sea (You may have to lower your zoom level to 75%.) Population Math: It Doesn't Add Up (5:10) Scientists made a detailed “roadmap” for meeting the Paris climate goals. It’s eye-opening. The Environmental Cost Of A Loaf Of Bread Local air quality from the World Air Quality Index Project Things are getting weird in the polar regions. Where to Put the Next Billion People Earth's Future: an open-access publication on the state of the planet and the predictions of its future The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN) World Atlas of Archaeology on the Web The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names United Nations: Source of data on any country … Look under databases at social indicators. Latin American Information Network Country Reports: Atlapedia Online contains key information on every country of the world. Each profile provides data on geography, climate, people, religion, language, history and the economy. The History Net: Where history lives on the Web! Access archives, world history, American history or even a specific battle. US Census Bureau's Poverty Statistics Synoptic table of the principal old world prehistoric cultures Maps of World History Global Legal Information Network (GLIN) UNICEF'S An Urban World interactive graphic depicts countries and territories with 2050 urban populations exceeding 100,000. Circles are scaled in proportion to urban population size. Hover over a country to see how urban it is (percentage of people living in cities and towns) and the size of its urban population (in millions). Geography4Kids.com: a simple explanation of many of the concepts in the class. NASA Earth Observatory Global Images: Great animated images of everything from fires to global primary productivity. Fascinating. Visible Earth: NASA satellite images of the earth. Very high resolution and animated. State of the Earth: A Planetary Check-Up (PPT) The Miniature Earth: What if the earth had only 100 people? NationMaster.com: well-organized and easy to use CIA World Factbook has detailed, if biased, information on every nation in the world. Geographic.org: basic demographic data, flags and country data organized by country … demographic indicators sorted by rate … useful for comparisons The World Values Survey: largest scale global survey of values, including perceptions of happiness and political ideals Food and Agriculture Organization's FAOSTAT Statistics Environmental Working Group Issues (Farm Subsidies Database, National Drinking Water Database, etc) Global Exchange's Fair Trade Products Retailer List Lonely Planet: great guidebook company … also good starting point for research on countries Plani-Globe quickly creates overview maps for any region of the world. USGS: US Geological Survey Quantum GIS: open-source, free GIS application Color Landform Atlas of the United States has nice shaded relief maps of all 50 states. Google Earth: free software package allows rapid mapping using satellite images of the entire earth. World from Space Clock shows day and night passing over the earth. Cartography Blog is a source of information about unique maps and professional cartography. The Geographer's Craft Project: massive list of GIS resources Cartography Tips - Tufts University Map Analysis and Site Planning Geography and Maps from the LOC Maps From The World Digital Library Nature and the Environment from the LOC Scientific Data: Observing, Recording and Communicating Information from the LOC The Geography of Race in the US: interactive maps of American racial segregation Primary Source Sets from the Library of Congress: Geography and Maps, Immigration University of Michigan Map Collection: emphasis on urban cartography Latitude and Longitude Distance Calculator The World Bank home page (In the navigation bar across the top of the page, click "Data," then click "By Country" on the navigation bar that comes up underneath.) IPUMS started as the online home of historical US Census individual level data, and now contains individual-level census data from a range of countries. Great ability to search for variables, and they’ve standardized nearly all data so it is comparable across countries. USA Trade Online [User ID: 8VQNK8N, Password: Economics@2016] Earth and Moon Viewer: View either a map of the Earth showing the day and night regions at this moment or view the Earth from the Sun, the Moon, the night side of the Earth, above any location on the planet specified by latitude, longitude and altitude, from a satellite in Earth orbit, or above various cities around the globe. Windows users can create images like this in real time, on their own machines, as well as view the sky, stars at the horizon, the solar system, orbits of asteroids and comets and more with Home Planet. The Earth/Space/Sky simulator is available for Downloading. Volcanoes are awesome manifestations of the fiery power contained deep within the Earth. National Geographic Resources Fantastic contains images, the 10 most dangerous volcanoes, quizzes and videos. Volcano World gives viewers current eruption reports, virtual field trips, facts, games, interviews with Vulcanologists and etc. A very comprehensive site. Preparing for the Next Pandemic The Deep and Enduring History of Universal Basic Income The Geography of Unequal Recovery For those who like to rock: The most interesting rock formations on the planet How Silent Spring Ignited the Environmental Movement
See also Table of References, GEOG 1303 Margin Notes Page and GEOG 1301 Margin Notes Page.
Downloads Note Taking for Geography Students (PDF)
Geographic Models I
Geographic Models II (PDF)
Geology Kitchen: The 3 Types of Rocks Rock Identification at Vagabond Geology How to Look at a Rock Like a Geologist Kinetic and Potential Energy Interactive Guide
APPS Google Earth, Free: Students can explore different areas of the planet and become familiar with landmarks. The Earth Gallery offers maps featuring planes in flight, city tours and even real-time earthquakes. 3D imagery is also available. For Android. Earth Viewer App for iOS and Android: Features include: continental reconstructions and accompanying data dating back billions of years, world temperature map for the last 100 years, ability to manipulate the globe and zoom to any location, locations of modern cities tracked back over 500 million years, in-depth features on major geological and biological events in Earth history and clickable details on geologic eons, eras and periods.
How will a 3-foot rise in sea level affect the Texas coast?
Create your own scenarios using the NOAA's SLR Tool.
Rising Seas Could Swamp Some Texas Cities By 2100 Sea level rise on the US Gulf Coast (0:41) What Climate Change Means for Texas in 11 Charts German Watch Global Climate Risk Index 2016 Climate change threatens emerging superpowers, while large regions could be drought-stricken by 2030. WATCH: Climate change, explained by a kid (2:11) Map reveals stark divide in who caused climate change and who's being hit. A Student's Guide to Global Climate Change Bad Future, Better Future: an illustrated guide to climate change How Much Hotter Is Your Hometown Than When You Were Born? A Complete Guide to Going Green at Home in 2019 Groningen Growth and Development Centre. Probably the single most useful site. Includes the newest Penn World Tables data (8.0), Maddison’s historical series, and industry/sector level data from a wide range of countries. World Bank Development Indicators. Includes a variety of economic data (GDP, external balances, labor force indicators) as well as health, education and inequality data. Macro data for Stata. Catini, Panizza, and Saade have provided a great public service and standardized a wide set of country-level data so that you can combine data sources easily. Animaniacs: Nations of the World Journeyman Pictures Video Encyclopedia of the World The Web GL Globe is interesting. Check out Global Terrorism and the busiest airports. Global Trends: The Wealth and Health of Nations, 2013 Demographic and Health Surveys. Relatively consistent set of surveys done in a wide set of developing countries, often multiple years. Heavily weighted towards (not surprisingly) fertility, health and mortality data, it also has some economic information. World Bank Living Standard Measurement Surveys. Very detailed surveys done in a set of developing countries, with a lot of fine-grain information on time allocations to various economic activities, asset ownership, demographics, health and more. If It Were My Home allows students to compare their country to other countries around the world. Very powerful, very interesting. The World’s Resources by Country infographic China vs. the United States: A Visual Comparison infographic UN Least Developed Countries Report 2014 The WWF’s Footprint Calculator The Nature Conservancy’s Carbon Footprint Calculator Your Carbon Footprint: How To Determine And Reduce It Calculate Your Carbon Footprint