SOCI 1301 ACTIVITY 1 RUBRICIn Activity #1 you completed an observational study of an aspect of human behavior of your choice. The assignment required you to send a brief research report that included specific components. The following rubric explains the points you received based on the report you sent. ___ What you observed, why and how (2 points max) ___ Your interpretation (2 points max) ___ What you would do next and why (1 point max) ___ Your conclusions about observational research as a method (2 points max) ___ Specific and detailed connections to course content (3 points max) This is the part of the assignment in which you should show off how much you know. You should have already gone through the margin notes and presentations that deal with relevant topics so it should be easy to make those connections. ___ Correct spelling and grammar (No points counted off on 1st assignment.) If necessary, work on your spelling and grammar before you start losing points. ___ Submitted by deadline OR ___ days late (Subtract 1 point per day late.) I tend to be a bit more lenient than usual when I grade the first assignment. I know students aren’t sure initially what a professor expects so, for example, I might give the maximum points for an answer that really wasn’t fully developed, didn’t provide enough detail or etc. On future assignments I’ll use a rubric based on the assignment instructions as I’ve done here but I will hold students responsible for complying with all of the instructions. An assignment that includes words such as detailed, specific, discuss, explain, why, understanding, thorough, relevant concepts or etc, almost always requires an organized and in-depth response written in complete sentences and using correct spelling and grammar.
SOCI 1301 ACTIVITY 2 RUBRICIn Activity #2 you used content analysis to look at core values. The assignment required you to send a brief research report that included specific components. The following rubric explains the points you received based on the report you sent. ___ Comparison of current and past American core values (2 points max) ___ Discussion of core values of three other countries (3 points max) ___ Your conclusions about newspapers as an indication of culture (1 point max) ___ Specific and detailed connections to course content (3 points max) ___ Correct spelling and grammar (1 point max) ___ Submitted by deadline OR ___ days late (Subtract 1 point per day late.)
SOCI 1301 ACTIVITY 3 RUBRICIn Activity #3 you had to validate the existence of an informal norm or folkway. The assignment required you to send a summary of what occurred that included specific components. The following rubric explains the points you received based on the summary you sent. ___ What you did and the norm you were attempting to validate (2 points max) ___ The reactions from your subjects (2 points max) ___ Whether or not you believe the norm was validated (2 points max) ___ Specific and detailed connections to course content (2 points max) ___ Correct spelling and grammar (2 points max) ___ Submitted by deadline OR ___ days late (Subtract 1 point per day late.)
SOCI 1301 ACTIVITY 4 RUBRICIn Activity #4 you had to conduct an interview with an older person. The assignment required you to send an analysis of the interview that included specific components. The following rubric explains the points you received based on the analysis you sent. ___ Description of subject’s ideas (2 points max) ___ Description of any patterns that existed (2 points max) ___ Description of interviewer’s reactions (2 points max) ___ Specific and detailed connections to course content (2 points max) ___ Correct spelling and grammar (2 points max) ___ Submitted by deadline OR ___ days late (Subtract 1 point per day late.)
Remember that this is a 20-point assignment ... the detail and comprehensiveness of your response should reflect that additional weight.
SOCI 1301 PROJECT RUBRICFor your project you had to complete a minimum number of hours of ethnographic observation in the field. The assignment required you to take detailed field notes following a prescribed format and submit your typed copy of those notes and a setting map. The following rubric explains the points you received based on the work you submitted. ___ Detailed setting map showing location of researcher and others (5 points max) ___ Descriptive notes – thick description with sufficient detail to show setting (5 points max) ___ Analytical notes – make appropriate connections to sociological concepts (5 points max) ___ Process notes – show some awareness and understanding of research process (3 points max) ___ Correct spelling and grammar (2 points max) ___ Submitted by deadline OR ___ days late (Subtract 1 point per day late.) Remember that this is a 20-point assignment ... the detail and comprehensiveness of your response should reflect that additional weight. It's also your last opportunity to show me how much you've learned in the course. |