Final Exam Review


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The Final Examination has 40 multiple-choice questions. The questions on the final are taken from the textbook and the online materials. The following review is comprehensive. That means that if you see it here, you'll see it on the test. If you don't see it here, you're not responsible for it. Good luck on the final. Let me know if you have questions.

  1. federal system

  2. separation of powers

  3. full faith and credit clause

  4. privileges and immunities clause

  5. extradition

  6. supremacy clause

  7. Although the Bill of Rights is the fundamental charter of American liberties, who determines how these rights will be defined and applied?

  8. In the American system of government, who has the power?

  9. constitutional government

  10. the tenth amendment

  11. Which branch of the government is concerned with law making?

  12. Which branch of the government is concerned with law interpreting?

  13. Which branch of the government is concerned with law enforcing?

  14. Who is the most powerful member of the House of Representatives?

  15. Who is the most powerful member of the Senate?

  16. joint committee

  17. jurisdiction

  18. judicial review

  19. original jurisdiction

  20. civilian supremacy

  21. interest group

  22. What is the principal purpose of interest group activity?

  23. lobbying

  24. political action committee

  25. What are the functions of interest groups?

  26. What is the principal purpose of political party activity?

  27. political party

  28. Where do the majority of American voters stand on many issues of American politics?

  29. What kinds of voters would be most likely to vote for a Democratic candidate?

  30. What kinds of voters would be most likely to vote for a Republican candidate?

  31. What is the single best socioeconomic predictor of the likelihood of an individual to vote?

  32. What kinds of people would be most likely to vote?

  33. What is the primary source of campaign news in the US?

  34. In presidential elections, what is a pivotal state?

  35. negative campaigning

  36. Why do candidates try to sell themselves and their ideas on television?

  37. reapportionment

  38. political socialization

  39. political poll

  40. What is the single most important factor in political socialization?



Copyright © 1996 Amy S Glenn    
Last updated:   03/01/2017   0130

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