Table of Contents
Major Geographic Qualities1. western extremity of Eurasia 2. many industrial resources 3. lingering world influence 4. high degrees of specialization 5. manufacturing dominance 6. numerous nation-states 7. urbanized population 8. aging and declining population 9. high standards of living
Physical Characteristics1. peninsula of peninsulas: A peninsula is a piece of land surrounded by water on three sides. Europe is a peninsula of the Eurasian supercontinent. Its main peninsulas are the Iberian, Italian, Crimean and Balkan, located in southern Europe, and the Scandinavian and Jutland, located in northern Europe.
2. Europe can be divided into four major physical regions, running from north to south: Western Uplands, North European Plain, Central Uplands and Alpine Mountains. a. western uplands: geologically older, lower, more stable than Alpines … curve up the western edge of Europe and define the physical landscape of Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Denmark), Finland, Iceland, Scotland, Ireland, the Brittany region of France, Spain, Portugal … defined by hard and ancient rock shaped by glaciation, abundant marshlands, lakes, fjords
b. north
European lowlands: lengthy arc (aka Great European Plain) of rivers and
waterways, most densely populated region of Europe, agriculture, industries …
extend from the southern UK east to Russia and includes parts of France,
Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Poland, the Baltic states (Estonia,
Latvia, Lithuania), Belarus … mostly lies below 500 feet in elevation, home to
many navigable rivers (Rhine, Weser, Elbe, Oder, Vistula), climate supports wide
variety of seasonal crops … allowed for early communication, travel,
agricultural development, avenue for migration c. central uplands: heart of Europe, hills, low plateaus, raw materials (iron, coal, other resources for manufacturing) … east-west across central Europe and include western France and Belgium, southern Germany, Czechia, parts of northern Switzerland and Austria … lower in altitude and less rugged than the Alpine region and heavily wooded ... sparsely populated except in the Rhine, Rhine, Elbe and Danube river valleys d. alpine system: highland region, spine of Europe … includes ranges in the Italian and Balkan peninsulas, northern Spain, southern France … includes the mountains of the Alps, Pyrenees, Apennines, Dinaric Alps, Balkans, Carpathians … high elevations, rugged plateaus, steeply sloping land, active volcanoes, such as Mount Etna and Mount Vesuvius in Italy
3. diverse physical geography a. complex geology with newest and oldest formations b. latitudinal extent (from Arctic to Mediterranean Subtropics) c. modification of latitudinal controls by land and water interaction i. marine (maritime) influence ii. continental influence (continentality) d. thousands of years of human occupation caused changes (human-environment interaction)
Cultural Characteristics1. Europe has a long history of human development and is considered the birthplace of Western Civilization: the result of classical civilizations, Christianity, the Renaissance and Reformation, the Enlightenment, and the Industrial and Scientific Revolutions a. Greece: philosophy, democracy, roots of science, art and architecture b. Rome: law, engineering, infrastructure (city structure, roads and aqueducts), establishment and spread of Christianity, areal functional specialization
2. The Roman Empire’s cultural influence remains to this day. French, Spanish, Romanian and modern Italian derived from Latin. Roman fondness for wine brought vineyards to France. The empire laid the cornerstones of many of today's modern cities (such as Paris), and invested in the infrastructure that was vital for their longevity.
3. Agrarian Revolution: began in Europe in 1750s, based on new agricultural innovations, enabled increased food production, enabled sustained population increase
4. Industrial Revolution: developed in UK between 1750-1850, evolved from technical innovations that occurred in British industry, proved to be a major catalyst toward increased urbanization, produced a distinct spatial pattern in Europe, greatly altered many kinds of relationships, countries within the region have a history of interaction among themselves
5. Political Revolution: Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 (key step in evolution of state system) ended decades of war, French Revolution, Revolutions of 1848, rise of socialist thinking
6. multi-ethnic and multi-cultural a. resulted from migration and cultural diffusion (the spreading of culture) … more than 160 ethnic groups, over 60 languages spoken b. Some countries have only one major ethnic group, such as Sweden (share common language, culture, religious heritage). Some, like Belgium, have two major ethnic groups - the Flemings and the Walloons - share a common religion, but do not speak the same language. Some, like Switzerland, have multiple languages spoken (French, German, Italian, Romansch). c. Multiculturalism can be a source of tension: Multi-ethnic rivalries (Albanians, Bosnians, Croats, Serbs) within the former country of Yugoslavia have caused bitter conflict. This area is often called a shatter-belt because the once communist country split into five separate countries. Even after the split, ethnic differences still cause fighting and conflict. These ethnic groups have followed a policy of ethnic cleansing (expelling or killing an entire ethnic group), leading to thousands of deaths and refugees.
7. key
European cultural traits a. political system: commitment to democracy where the leaders rule only with the consent of the population b. legal system: Napoleonic Code derived from Roman Law c. economic system: commitment to capitalism or market economy d. industrialization and urbanization e. government services: education, medical and health care, retirement
8. Europe’s culture has spread world-wide through exploration, colonization, imperialism, immigration, trade
Demographic Characteristics1. falling share of world’s population but continues to experience slow natural growth (birth rates lower than death rates; immigration prevents population loss)
2. in
last stage of Demographic Transition (or beyond): women in workforce,
widespread contraception, shortage of affordable housing, some countries offer
3. high per capita GDP, literacy rate, life expectancy
4. fewer young people
5. smaller, well educated working age population
6. age-dependent boom and bust: A higher ratio of young dependants usually correlates with increased poverty. Countries with rapid declines in fertility have benefited from the demographic dividend and falling dependency ratios. A fertility rate of about 2.1 is needed for long-term stabilization but few countries have been able to stop the fertility decline at that point as individuals (especially women) realize the advantages of having fewer children. At a lower fertility rate, future growth is much harder to achieve and several countries face future aging shocks. The consequences of both too many and too few babies show up in dependency ratios – the young and old dependent on those of working age. While today’s problem for developing countries is the high level of poverty due to high fertility, tomorrow’s problem will be avoiding a decline in living standards in countries with aging populations and declining workforces. Northern Europe, France and the UK have in varying degrees tried to avoid it with programs such as job protection and generous leave for pregnant and nursing mothers, government funding of nursery schools, direct child support payments and other measures to reduce the economic opportunity costs of childbearing. They see this as investment in the future workforce, not just welfare cost. (If you’re interested, read From demographic boom to dependency bust.)
7. Immigration was welcomed for a long time because there was a labor shortage. In recent years, economic and cultural differences have led to problems between "old" and "new" Europeans. a. scarce jobs should go to Europeans first b. concerns about international terrorism c. concern about dilution of national culture d. immigration may be only way to solve labor shortage, workers needed to keep up tax revenues and support retirees e. EU working to establish common immigration policy: guest workers (migrant workers from other countries, usually doing low-wage work), called gastarbeiter in Germany (mostly Turks), other European countries have migrants from their former colonies, additional migration from Eastern to Western Europe
8. highly urbanized a. Medieval Landscape (900-1500 CE): densely settled, buildings next to streets, green space only near churches and public squares b. Renaissance-Baroque (1500-1800): wider streets, large gardens, monuments, more open space, ornate architecture c. Industrial (1800-present): walls and fortifications removed, factories and industrial areas build on edge of cities, urban sprawl developed
Economic Characteristics1. birthplace of the Industrial Revolution … started in England following the discovery of coal and iron ore
2. age of advancements in making machinery and in new methods of production … led to a rise in industrial capitalism: an economic system in which business leaders seek to expand companies and maximize profits
3. Industrial Revolution led to a prosperous middle class of merchants and factory owners (but factory workers were underpaid and lived in overcrowded, unhealthy conditions).
4. use advanced farming techniques which gives them high crop yields
5. well developed infrastructure
6. Supranationalism is a venture involving three or more states cooperating politically, economically and/or culturally to promote shared objectives. A supranational union is a type of multinational political union where negotiated power is delegated to an authority by the governments of member states so that the organization has power over the states. The concept of a supranational union is sometimes used to describe the European Union, as a new type of political entity. The EU is the only entity which provides for international popular elections, going beyond the level of political integration normally afforded by international treaty.
7. European
Union (EU): original
Members Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, UK … goal to coordinate policy among members in
economics, defense, justice and home affairs a. The EU is an economic and political confederation of 28 member states (as of 2016) located primarily in Europe. It operates an internal (or single) market which allows free movement of goods, capital, services and people between member states. b. The EU operates through a system of supranational independent institutions and intergovernmental-negotiated decisions by member states. c. The EU provides for free movement of workers and capital, a single market and a common currency (euro). In effect, Europe has become one large unified market. d. problems: loss of autonomy, disparities in levels of economic development, technical barriers, cultural barriers e. Macron’s New Europe (the European Political Community) Debuts in the Shadow of War
8. progressive approach to environment a. Agriculture, resource-extraction, industrial manufacturing, urbanization create air and water pollution and acid rain. b. Western Europe is one of the world’s greenest regions because of pro-environment policies since 1970s. c. European voters support environment in Europe and globally, including reduction of greenhouse gases. d. Eastern Europe neglected its environment under Soviet-style economics; Soviet-designed nuclear plants may be dangerous. e. Difficult to solve Eastern Europe’s environmental problems due to ongoing economic and political evolution.
Political Characteristics
1. End of Cold War led to revival of nationalism. a. Czechoslovakia divided peacefully (Czechia and Slovakia) b. Yugoslavia divided through armed conflicts, “ethnic cleansing” c. Germany reunited d. Soviet Union dissolved
2. Ideas of nationalism seem to be giving way to pan-European identity and a region-wide currency.
3. role of government: Most Europeans expect government to play an important role in running the economy of their nation and in providing for their welfare.
4. There are a number of issues that Europe will need to deal with in the near future. a. Brexit: UK’s decision to leave the EU has ramifications for both the UK and the EU which will need to be resolved quickly and smoothly. b. immigration: Almost 2 million people entered the EU illegally in 2015, with almost 1 million applying for asylum. These numbers include refugees from conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan and economic migrants from the Balkans, Southwest Asia and Africa. Europe’s aging population can use the workers but the EU’s current immigration policy is inadequate under the best conditions and Europe is not prepared to handle such large numbers so quickly. c. ISIS: It’s probable that the terrorist group will attack more European cities … something that may force the EU to deal with border security as well as unstable governments in Southwest Asia and North Africa in order to avoid the prospect of ISIS entrenching itself on Europe’s borders. d. Russia: Tensions between Russia and a unified US-NATO, which began with EU sanctions linked to Russian aggression in Ukraine, have escalated. It seems unlikely that sanctions will be lifted unless Russia withdraws and restores Ukraine’s border but, given Russia’s apparently similar aggressive intent in other countries – Georgia and Moldova, for example – it seems equally unlikely that Russia will withdraw.
5. Western Europe Principality of Andorra, Republic of Austria, Kingdom of Belgium, French Republic, Federal Republic of Germany, Principality of Liechtenstein, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Kingdom of the Netherlands, Swiss Confederation
6. British Isles Bailiwick of Guernsey (UK), Ireland, Isle of Man (UK), Bailiwick of Jersey (UK), United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
7. Northern or Nordic Europe Kingdom of Denmark, Faroe Islands (Denmark), Republic of Finland, Republic of Iceland, Jan Mayen (Norway), Kingdom of Norway, Svalbard (or Spitsbergen, Norway), Kingdom of Sweden
8. Mediterranean Europe Republic of Cyprus, Gibraltar (UK), Hellenic Republic (or Greece), The Holy See (or Vatican City State), Italian Republic, Republic of Malta, Principality of Monaco, Portuguese Republic, Republic of San Marino, Kingdom of Spain a. discontinuous region between Austria and the Aegean Sea covering the Balkans and Greece, an area encompassing various religions and linguistic groups, lands with volatile and violent histories, EU members and non EU members b. on the periphery: northern part tends to be more prosperous and considered part of the core while southern part tends to be less prosperous and considered periphery c. cultural continuity dates from Greco-Roman times d. Mediterranean climate: hot, dry summers and warm/cool, moist winters
9. Eastern Europe Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Bulgaria, Republic of Croatia, Czechia (or Czech Republic), Republic of Estonia, Hungary, Republic of Kosovo, Republic of Latvia, Republic of Lithuania, Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Republic of Poland, Romania, Republic of Serbia, Slovak Republic (or Slovakia), Republic of Slovenia a. Europe’s largest region, contains the most countries b. adjoins 3 of 4 other European regions c. includes Europe’s largest country d. includes Europe’s poorest country
e. In 1990, none of its states could meet the criteria for membership in the EU. Since then, several have joined the EU including Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia. Several are also Eurozone and European Economic Area countries, while others are CEFTA countries. (The latter is a free trade agreement in the Balkans linked to the EU.) f. reaches into Russian zone of influence
Optional ResourcesPolitical Resources on the Net Google's Arts & Culture collection virtual world museum tours Migrant crisis: Migration to Europe explained in seven charts | The European refugee crisis and Syria explained (6:16) For visitors and natives alike, Europe has an outstanding selection of museums, from art museums such as the Louvre in Paris and the Prado in Madrid, to elaborate displays of technological progress found in London's National Museum of Science and Industry. Photographic tours of European countries. Medieval Europe produced a number of impressive castles, some of which have survived centuries of conflict and can be visited today, including The Tower of London, Dolwyddelan Castle in Wales and Edinburgh Castle in Scotland. Castles can be found in Spain (over 2,000), Germany, France and many other European countries. | Castles of Europe The tiny principality of Andorra is located in the high mountains of the Pyrenees between France and Spain. | Andorra 2 | Andorra 3 | The US gave billions of dollars in aid to the wealthy European principality of Andorra, which it mistakenly assumed was a poor African country. Vienna Austria: Vienna, one of the finest and most famous cities in the world, is in the eastern part of Austria at the bottom of the Alps and on both sides of the Danube River.
Austria | Austria: center of European traffic | Photos (scroll down to the 6 galleries) | Culture | The Local Belgium | Belgium Official Site | History and geography | Building Zaha Hadid’s bold afterlife | A pipeline of beer (1:26) | Brussels police fine Pokémon Go players for being a danger to themselves and others
France |
Travel to France and experience French culture and everyday life.
Note the differences between your lifestyle and that which is lived in
France. Abbey Mont Saint-Michel, France is a small rocky tidal island situated on the north-west coast of France. The island is characterized by the highest tides in Europe (up to 46 feet high), steep rocks and quicksand. Its surrounding waters can move 11 miles away from the island and 12 miles deep into the coast. For centuries all these features made Mont Saint-Michel an impenetrable fortress. The first inhabitants of this 300-foot tall mountain, the ancient Celts, didn't have any illusions about it and called it Mont Tombe (Mountain Tomb). Originally, Mont Saint-Michel wasn’t an island: it was surrounded by forests that were later washed away by the ocean. Today it's a Benedictine abbey of seven people. It occupies an area of about 34 square miles and is regarded as a unique example of a fortified medieval French monastery. Germany | Political violence is rising in Germany. So is a scary new political party. | 30 interesting facts about Germany | Photos | Berlin City Life | Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany, which translates as “The New Swan Cliff,” was built in the second half of the 19th century by Ludwig II of Bavaria. | Germany’s Tiny Geographic Oddity The Principality of Liechtenstein is the sixth-smallest country in the world. It lies in the heart of the Alps between Switzerland and Austria. A doubly landlocked German-speaking microstate, its ruling family is among the world's oldest noble families. | Liechtenstein | History and geography | Culture | Liechtenstein Princely Collections | The Princely House Luxembourg | Visit Luxembourg | 14 infographics about Luxembourg | History and geography
Netherlands | Reclaiming Land from the Sea: The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg (collectively known as "the Benelux"), form one of the most densely populated areas on Earth. Occupying a land area roughly the size of the state of Maine, there are more people living there than the total populations of Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Iceland put together. To accommodate this growing population, the Netherlands has devised an ingenious plan to actually create more land for its people. The plan is not a new one either. Initiated in 1932, the Zuiderzee (Zuider Sea) Project was initiated by the Dutch to expand their land territory by reclaiming land from the sea. The Zuiderzee (a large saltwater inlet of the North Sea) was separated from the Atlantic using a large dike. Water was then pumped from the inlet, creating new lands called polders. See also Earthshots. | The Dutch Islands of Tomorrow | The Fish Doorbell: Every spring fish migrate upstream, in search of places to spawn. They swim through the centre of the city of Utrecht, Netherlands. Unfortunately, the boat lock is closed during spring. You can help the fish. If you see a fish, press the doorbell! Switzerland | Virtual Grand Tour of Switzerland | Switzerland from Above (25:25) Ireland is an island in the North Atlantic. It is separated from Great Britain to its east by the North Channel, the Irish Sea and St George's Channel. Ireland is the second-largest island of the British Isles and the third-largest in Europe. The Republic of Ireland covers five-sixths of the island. | Dublin Ireland Cam
London Panorama: This is amazing. Move the mouse around and discover the streets of London. For centuries, historians and archaeologists have puzzled over the many mysteries of Stonehenge, the prehistoric monument that took Neolithic builders an estimated 1,500 years to erect. | Whence Came Stonehenge’s Stones? Now We Know | This was village life in Britain 3,000 years ago. | Celtic women held sway in ‘matrilocal’ societies. Denmark | What can we learn from Denmark? | hygge: a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being, regarded as a defining characteristic of Danish culture (See how popular the idea has become in British culture.) | Finding the Hygge on Denmark’s West Coast | Copenhagen | Copenhagen 2 | Denmark’s daring dogsledders | Maps | New record for cheapest offshore wind farm | Secrets of a Danish Castle Faroe Islands | The Faroe Islands are an archipelago between the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean and are an autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark. | How a Tiny Archipelago Gave Russian Ships a Foothold in the Atlantic Finland | What Americans keep ignoring about Finland's school success | Culture | Finland jets monitor Russian fighters on border flights | History and geography | Jean Sibelius – Finlandia (9:36) | Northern Light: Oulanka National Park | How Finland Is Teaching a Generation to Spot Misinformation
Iceland | Virtual tour of Iceland, which is a mysterious country with a legendary history, has the lowest population density in Europe. A little more than 320 thousand people live on 64,000 square miles (7,500 of which are covered with ice). By contrast, Iceland’s national sheep population is just under 800,000. More than half of Icelanders live in the country’s capital, Reykjavík. Although called “the land of ice,” Iceland has boiling hot springs and geothermal lakes. Iceland is also one of the most active volcanic regions in the world. Iceland has a north Atlantic climate that produces frequent rain or snow and a near-Arctic location that produces large glaciers, whose summer melts feed many rivers leading to hundreds of waterfalls throughout the country. Iceland is home to Europe’s largest glacier, the world’s hottest river, the largest waterfall in this part of the world and the world’s greatest cluster of geysers – more than 250 geyser groups consisting of 7,000 hot springs | Amazing Iceland (4:47) | Iceland Cam | Monitoring the Weather at the Edge of the World | Driving Iceland’s Overlooked North | Ride the Good Witches | Iceland Is Living in our Future. Fjords are considered to be among the most beautiful sights of the world: narrow, winding and cut deep into the land, these sea bays are lodged between steep cliffs that sometimes reach over 3,000 feet high. They can be found all around the world from Chile to Russia, but when you mention fjords, most people think about Norwegian fjords because that country has the highest number of the most beautiful fjords in the world. A fjord is formed when a glacier cuts a U-shaped valley by ice segregation and abrasion of the surrounding bedrock. Glacial melting is accompanied by a rebound of Earth's crust as the ice load and eroded sediment is removed. In some cases this rebound is faster than sea level rise. Most fjords are deeper than the adjacent sea. Sognefjord, Norway, reaches as deep as 4,265 ft below sea level. Each fjord is unique. Norway | Norway (3:33) | Jan Mayen Island, Norway | Nature and history of the outpost in the North Atlantic | A Journey Into Norway’s Endless Night | Russia and China defy the West deep in the Arctic.
Svalbard (formerly known as Spitsbergen) is one of the most unusual places
on the Earth. This vast polar archipelago,
Sweden | Sweden is tackling the 'throwaway culture' with tax breaks on repairs | Economy | The Sweden Myth | Sweden: Restrictive immigration policy and multiculturalism | In Sweden, men can have it all | Culture | Sweden, Dressed in Summer | Taking in the Light: Sweden’s Lucia Celebrations The role of the Greeks and Romans in shaping Mediterranean Europe today cannot be underestimated. To this day, many of the buildings and structures of ancient Mediterranean society remain intact for visitors to see. Cyprus, officially the Republic of Cyprus, is an island country in the Eastern Mediterranean. By legend the birthplace of the ancient Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite, Cyprus's modern history has, in contrast, been dominated by enmity between its Greek and Turkish inhabitants. | Culture | Hopes rise for deal to end 40-year frozen conflict in Cyprus | A Rebirth of Old Nicosia | Cyprus is home to 1 million or so free-roaming cats that wander its streets, parks and even luxury resorts. They are about as numerous as people. So when a deadly cat outbreak began sweeping across the Mediterranean island in 2023, the humans quickly noticed something was terribly wrong.
Santorini (Thira), Greece: In the 12th century, Edis, the Arab geographer, named the largest island in a little archipelago of five islands in the Aegean Sea after a local church of Saint Irene. Venetians reinforced the name Santorini, when they occupied the territory in the 13th century. The name is still used throughout the world, except for one nation - Greece. The Greeks call their main (and the largest of the five) island Thira. The archipelago used to be a large island with a sleeping volcano in the middle. At the end of the 15th century the volcano suddenly woke up. Horrible eruptions buried all local settlements (many researchers believe that they were the lost cities of Atlantis) under hot lava. The central part of the island fell into cavities opened by the eruption, creating a caldera - a round crater with circular walls pointing to the center. The cataclysm caused a tsunami wave over 300 feet high that spread for almost 70 miles, reaching the island of Crete. The tsunami was so powerful that it washed the famous Minoan civilization off the island. Continuous volcanic activity formed the modern shape of the archipelago. | Greece | Braving the Winds on a Greek Isle
The monastery complex of
Metéora, Greece, is one of the very few human
structures that was created both by man and nature. The Metéora is an extremely
unique Holy See (Vatican City) | The Holy See: The Vatican is the web site of the Pope. Catholicism has had a significant impact on the development of Europe and the world for nearly two thousand years. It continues to influence events around the world. The head of the Catholic religion is the Pope who lives in Vatican City, an enclave within the city limits of Rome, Italy (5:08). This site provides access and links to information about this major religion, from history to current issues and Papal announcements. It also provides access to the Vatican library catalogue, which contains an extensive array of historical documents. For example, the first page of a simple search on Erasmus returned several documents dating back to the 16th century. | Inside Vatican City and the Renaissance Architecture of the Holy See: The Renaissance Architecture inside this walled enclave has some of the most famous cultural properties in the world. | Meet the Vatican Swiss Guards Ready to Sacrifice Their Lives for the Pope Italy | A millennium and a half of Venice, Italy history included countless wars and crusades, booming trade and banking. Overall Venice has always been an independent, rich and successful city. Located in the center of Europe, which means in the middle of main European events, Venice went through several periods of prosperity and downfall. Venice is called the city on water, with 118 islands, 150 canals and 400 bridges. There are no roads, cars, taxis, buses, trams or bikes. You either walk on foot or use water transportation: boats, motorboats or gondolas. Nevertheless, with the passing centuries, it has become clear that Venice can’t beat nature entirely. During the 20th century alone, Venice sunk 9 inches. By the year 2028, scientists predict the city will go completely underwater. | Italy Photos | Photos 2 | This Italian village was dying … until the refugees came (7:07) | An ancient world concealed underground | The Haunting Beauty of a Hut-to-Hut Hike in the Dolomites | Quiet Reflections on the Enchanting Italian Village of Panicale | The Haunting Beauty of a Hut-to-Hut Hike in the Dolomites | Life and Death on the Lighthouse of the Mediterranean | ‘There’s Something in the Air’ in Italy’s Salento | A Pilgrimage in the Heart of the Italian Alps | In Palermo, a Catholic saint joins the Hindu pantheon. | Fishing Coins From Trevi Fountain
Malta | Military History of Malta (5:47) with revolving background. This is a 6m video that gives a potted history of Malta, with a revolving background from the Upper Barrakka Gardens - rather humorous - good overview. | Profile of Malta | For a more in depth history take a look at VISIT MALTA with timelines and details from prehistoric times to current. Monaco | Monaco, officially the Principality of Monaco, is a sovereign city-state and microstate, located on the French Riviera in Western Europe. France borders the country on three sides while the other side borders the Mediterranean Sea. The House of Grimaldi have ruled Monaco, with brief interruptions, since 1297. The Iberian Peninsula, also known as Iberia, is located in the southwest corner of Europe. The peninsula is principally divided between Portugal and Spain, comprising most of their territory. It also includes Andorra and a small part of France along its northeastern edge, as well as Gibraltar on its south coast. | Portugal Photos | Spain Photos | Painting the Sky: Bee-eaters | Portugal | Spain | On Spain's luxurious Ibiza, essential workers are forced to live in tent cities.
San Marino | The Republic of San Marino is an enclaved microstate surrounded by Italy, situated on the Italian Peninsula on the northeastern side of the Apennine Mountains. Its size is just over 24 square miles. San Marino claims to be the oldest surviving sovereign state and constitutional republic in the world, as the continuation of the monastic community founded in 301 CE by stonecutter Marinus of Arba, fleeing persecution for his Christian beliefs. It has a constitution written in 1600. The capital was the only town for centuries until the tiny country expanded beyond its lofty city limits by purchasing small amounts of additional territory over time. | The oldest country in the world is this microstate tucked inside Italy. The Balkan Peninsula, or the Balkans, is a peninsula and a cultural area in Southeast Europe with different and disputed borders. The region takes its name from the Balkan Mountains that stretch from the eastern border of Serbia to the Black Sea at the east of Bulgaria. It includes the countries of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, and the geographical/political region of European Turkey. Albania's modern-day blood feuds | History and geography | Albania's deep-rooted drug problem touches all of Europe | Albania doesn’t want to become one with Kosovo | Why you must visit Albania Bosnia Herzegovina Newspapers | Genocide in the 20th century | History and geography | Bosnia applies for EU membership | For half the year, this Bosnian village is empty. Then hikers come for pie. | In Sarajevo, copper souvenirs have been an obsession for centuries. Sofia Bulgaria | History and geography | Bulgaria puts up a new wall, but this one keeps people out | Novinite News | Economy | Human Rights Watch: Bulgaria Croatia’s Dalje | History and geography | In Diocletian’s Living Room | Photos | Osijek | World Bank: Croatia | Welcome to the world's newest country: the Kingdom of Enclava | Vis Island | Abandoned Tunnels of Korčula Czechia | Prague, Czechia, is one of the most famous and beautiful cities in the world. The city's nine hills are situated on the bank of the Vltava River, offering very picturesque views. There are many unique architectural landmarks in Prague that survive to this day: Powder Tower, medieval Vyšehrad fort, Old Town Square, Jewish Quarter, Charles Bridge, etc. | Czechia: The myths and facts about the short English name of Czechia | Czechia Official Site | Photos | Metamorphosis | Czechia Cam The Baltic states, also known as the Baltics, Baltic nations or Baltic countries, are the three countries in northern Europe on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The Baltic states cooperate on a regional level in several intergovernmental organizations. | Russia's Periphery | How do we protect the Baltic States? Estonia | Estonia Official Site | Tallinn, Estonia - old town rooftop adventure (13:31) | Photos | The Setu of Estonia (2:37) | e-Estonia
Hungary |
Hungary is a treasure trove, with everything from Roman ruins and
medieval town houses to baroque churches, neoclassical public buildings and Art
Nouveau bathhouses and schools. |
Nazi holocaust documents found: 6,300 files discovered behind wall of Budapest
apartment |
Budapest |
Human Rights Watch: Hungary |
Best Countries for Business Kosovo is a disputed territory and partially recognized state in Southeast Europe that declared independence from Serbia in 2008 as the Republic of Kosovo. While Serbia recognizes administration of the territory by Kosovo's elected government, it still continues to claim it as its own Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija. Kosovo is known for its 13th-century domed monasteries, some of which are on UNESCO’s World Heritage List. | A reporter returns to Kosovo, 15 years later | Kosovo chronology | History and geography | Exodus from Kosovo: Why thousands have left the Balkans | English devolution: lessons from Kosovo Latvia | Latvian News | Why is life expectancy in Latvia 6 years shorter than the OECD average? | Secret Soviet ghost town | History and geography | Riga named among hipster capitals in the world | Get to know Latvia Lithuania | Economy | Lithuania celebrates 100 | Researchers map wartime escape tunnel in Lithuanian forest | Life in Soviet Lithuania – in pictures | Lithuania, Estonia, UK, Denmark call for EU action on Russian information warfare North Macedonia was spared the inter-ethnic violence that raged elsewhere in the Balkans following the break-up of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s but Greece's objection to the new state's use of what it considered a Hellenic name, delayed international recognition, which occurred under the provisional designation of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. | North Macedonia closes its border 'completely' to migrants | History and geography | Ancient Macedonia
Montenegro is located in the southwestern part of the
Balkan Peninsula. The wild nature of
Montenegro coexists in harmony with
Poland | Poland has created arguably Central Europe’s greatest post-communist success story. The former royal capital of Kraków is a living lab of architecture over the ages. | The hunt for Nazi gold: Inside Poland's labyrinth of secret WWII tunnels | Exploring Krakow's Market Square: Poland's Culture Capital | The Warsaw Voice Romania Government | History and geography | At Ceausescu’s villa, focus is on décor, not dictatorship | The real Transylvania | Who are the Roma people? | 5 Intriguing Facts About the Roma | Roma Culture | The Roma: A thousand years of discrimination | A rough guide to Roma music | Human trafficking and modern-day slavery: Romania | See the breathtaking landscapes of the Fagaras Mountains in Romania. | Timisoara, Romania is quintessentially European - modern meets Old World. Serbia Government | A new era in Russian-Serbian relations? | Why Serbia is strengthening its alliance with Russia | Economy | Human Rights Watch: Serbia | Archaeologists unearth magic spells and ancient skeletons in Serbia
Slovakia | Guide to the Slovak Republic | History and geography | Migrants crisis: Slovakia 'will only accept Christians' | Photos Slovenia Times | History and geography | A river’s gifts | Economy | Government | 6 great things about Slovenia that have nothing to do with Melania Trump | Listen to a summer storm in the Alps. (18:49)
The Russian Domain
Major Geographic Qualities1. Russia a. immense territorial state b. world’s northernmost large populous country c. former world colonial power d. comparatively small (<145 million) and concentrated population e. concentrated development f. multicultural state g. minimal ports 2. We include Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine in the Russian domain because politically there is persisting Russian influence over those former SSRs and because geographically they all have a high-latitude continental climate with seasonal temperature extremes and a short growing season.
Physical Characteristics1. Russian Plain: core of ancient Russia state … eastward continuation of North European Lowland … vital to Russia for its crops (wheat, barley, beans, oats) and industry (coalfields stretch throughout the plain) … Volga River (Mother Volga): longest river in Europe, frozen half the year, important transportation route, transports people and goods from one city to another … Black Sea: on southern extent of plain, route to Mediterranean Sea
2. Ural Mountains: not high but 2,000 miles long and separate two large plains … mountain range where Europe and Asia meet … known for its variety of gems and stones, minerals and fossil fuels (platinum, sapphire, silver)
3. western Siberian Plain: world’s largest unbroken lowland … permafrost, marsh … large part of northern and central Russia that crosses Asia … Those who live there fish, hunt seals and walruses, or herd reindeer. People often use helicopters to travel between villages.
4. central Siberian Plateau: remote and sparsely settled … permafrost … Lake Baikal: rift lake (created by a rift zone where the Earth's crust is slowly pulling apart), world’s oldest (30 million years) and deepest freshwater lake, holds almost 20% of world’s unfrozen freshwater, plant and fish species in the lake can be traced to prehistoric times, large paper mill nearby has polluted the region but is a major source of jobs and wealth
5. Yakutsk Basin: last non-mountainous land to east … basin of the great rivers flowing to the Arctic Ocean – the Lena, Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma … permafrost 450-1,000 feet deep … extensive areas of fossil ice on the coast
6. eastern highlands: frontier zone … jumbled mass of ranges, precipitous valleys, volcanic mountains … severe climate, inhospitable, slightly less inhospitable toward Pacific … lumber, fur, gold, diamonds
7. central Asian Ranges: rise above the snow line, glaciated … along the border with Mongolia
8. Caspian Sea: about the size of California … largest inland body of water in the world, borders several countries … salt water
9. Caucasus Mountains: extension of Alpine Mountains … Mount Elbrus, the highest point in Russia at 18,510 feet … fertile region of valleys where many non-Russian people live (13 different ethnic groups, many – such as the Armenians – have cultures far older than Russians)
10. Kaliningrad (Königsberg) is
a seaport city at the mouth of the navigable Pregolya River, which empties into
the Vistula Lagoon and the Baltic Sea, by which route sea vessels can access the
Baltic. Formerly a part of Germany, the Soviets captured the port during WWII
and kept it, forcibly expelling the German population and repopulating it with
Soviet citizens. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, Kaliningrad became an
exclave sandwiched between Poland and Lithuania, geographically separated
from the rest of Russia, making Russia a
fragmented state.
Russia deploys nuclear-capable missiles in Kaliningrad.
11. climate: winters long, dark, cold … summers short with limited growing season, lack of precipitation … cut off from maritime air masses
12. An unfortunate characteristic of this region is the extensive and often harmful modification to the landscape that has taken place by an increasingly urban and industrial population. The magnitude of many of these environmental challenges is so great that they have global implications and may affect world climate patterns, water quality and nuclear safety. For example, it is estimated that since the 1980s, the global environmental costs of Siberian forests lost to lumbering and pollution may have exceeded the more widely publicized destruction of the Brazilian rain forest.
1. historic remoteness from mainstreams of change and progress … self-imposed isolation, mistrust of the outside
2. early history: To understand the history of Russia and the former USSR, you must examine the early history of the Slavic peoples, defined linguistically as a distinctive branch of the Indo-European language family. The Slavs originated in or near the Pripyat marshes of modern Belarus. Around 2,000 years ago they began moving eastward, extending as far as modern Moscow by 200 CE. By 900 CE, Slavic power grew as they intermarried with southward-moving warriors from Sweden known as Varangians (Vikings). Established the first political system in Russia known as "Rus."
3. Mongol legacy: Mongols invade Kiev heartland of Slavs in 1240 CE
4. expansion: During the 16th and 17th centuries, the Russian Empire expanded. Russia allied herself with a semi-nomadic group of Slavic-speaking Christians known as the Cossacks. Expansion into Siberia and by 1700 Russian power extended to the Pacific Ocean.
5. Tsarist legacy: consolidated Russia’s gains, created European-style state of Russia, expansion to the south and east (tried to move toward Indian Ocean) … A foothold on the Baltic was established as the result of a military victory by Tsar Peter the Great (1682–1725) over Sweden. Built St. Petersburg, a new and important Russian city. A victory over the Poles and Turks in the late 18th century allowed for the acquisition of all of modern-day Belarus and Ukraine. Tsarina Catherine the Great (1762–1796) was particularly instrumental in colonizing the fertile Ukraine and bringing the Russian Empire to the warm-water shores of the Black Sea.
6. colonial legacy: During the 19th century, the last large gains were made in Central Asia and the Caucasus.
7. rise of the USSR: The Soviet Union resulted from the collapse of the Russian Empire in 1917. Soon after, the Bolsheviks, a faction of the Russian Communists which represented the interests of the industrial workers, took control of the newly-created USSR. Its leader was Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, more popularly known as Lenin. The communist state was to last roughly 75 years until it was dissolved in December 1991, effectively bringing an end to the Cold War.
8. Soviet legacy: Under Soviet command economy government owned everything – banks, factories, mines, transportation, farms. Soviet government emphasized heavy industry to become a world super power. Result was little production of consumer goods. Made it very difficult for the citizens to get basic things needed to survive. People resorted to purchasing things on the black market (illegal trade system with very high prices).
9. Russian radical nationalism: Russians have always been xenophobic (intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries) but the trend is increasing … recent xenophobic vitriol, attempts to form nationalist parties, distribution of propaganda literature, beatings, murders, nationalist extremist groups on the political periphery with links to government security services … Experts say nationalism has risen to fill the void in national ideology since the fall of communism. a. Ethnic Russian nationalism has been growing since the fall of the Soviet Union, along with attempts by the regime to commandeer it. There’s a growing ethnification in Russian nationalism that has helped give rise to militant Russian nationalist sentiment. b. Nationalist sentiment has turned against “culturally alien” migrants (those from Central Asia and the Caucasus). There has been growing support for preferential treatment for ethnic Russians, as seen in the Russia for Russians movement. This sentiment poses major challenges to the stability of the regime and, correspondingly, international politics. c. Russia has had an enormous number of racist (and LGBT and other minority) murders. Hate crimes fell off sharply in 2014 when Russian intervention in eastern Ukraine prompted an outflow of radical nationalists to support the separatist Russians in Ukraine. d. In 2013, an anti-migrant campaign was conducted over several months on Russian television, which featured vigilante groups assisting federal police authorities in raids on migrant dormitories and led to an unprecedented rise in ethno-xenophobia in Russian society. e. Mounting Russian nationalism may be a direct threat to the independence of former Soviet republics. Note that every time Russia has become aggressive with one of its neighbors – whether verbally or militarily – the excuse given has been to support ethnic Russians who are being mistreated in whatever country is being attacked. f. A Distracted Russia Is Losing Its Grip on Its Old Soviet Sphere (10/08/22)
10. religion
a. Communists promoted atheism, religion was strongly discouraged. b. Christianity: Eastern Orthodox Church central to Russian life prior to communist rule, regained following after communism (41%). c. Islam: second largest religion (6.5%) d. Judaism: long been persecuted in Russia, pogroms (organized massacres) e. Buddhism: two former republics mostly Buddhist
Demographic Characteristics
1. low standard of living: government unable to meet obligations … considerable and obvious wealth gap … inflation … in rural areas mortality rates are high and living conditions "abominable” … universal education but quality declining … improving but still poor health care
2. over 185 different ethnic groups: Slavs (largest group, dominate Russia’s culture, includes Russians, Poles, Serbs, Ukrainians), Turks (mainly Muslim), Caucasian (from Caucasus region in SE) … Russian dominance
3. The average population density is 22 people per square mile but most people live in the area between the Belarus and Ukraine borders and the Ural Mountains where density is 120 people per square mile. The overwhelming majority of the region’s population is concentrated in the west and southwest where climatic conditions were the least difficult during the past when most people scratched out a living by farming. In other words, the distribution of population is closely related to the history of the region, the expansion of territory over time and the development of the region’s economy. The line of settlement along the southern margin all the way to the Pacific represents the exploitation of resources that took place during the Soviet era along with the establishment of an earlier rail line.
4. population decline:
Russia is facing a demographic dilemma today. The population of Russia has
dramatically declined since the collapse of the Soviet Union. At the time of the
breakup (1991), Russia had a population close to 150 million (about half that of
the US). Today, the population stands at around 140 million despite the
immigration of thousands of Russians from the near abroad (the
newly independent republics that emerged after the dissolution of the Soviet
Union). The birth rate has dropped sharply, albeit temporarily, at times but is fairly stable long term. (Economic uncertainty seems to be a factor persuading people against having children.) It’s the increasing death rate that is the cause of the declining population. The reasons behind the increase in the crude death rate are such things as alcoholism, drugs, suicide, industrial accidents, diseases, violent crime, etc. Those things may stem from the difficulties associated with the political transition and subsequent economic uncertainties. (Check out the population pyramids below.) The trend is more pronounced in males than in females. For example, in 1991 the life expectancy for males was 71 years. Today it has dropped to 59. If the present trends continue Russia will have a population of only 100 million by the year 2050. (It should be noted that other ethnic groups in Russia are not experiencing these same dramatic declines.) If this present trend continues then we may see a resurgence within Russia of xenophobia and a subsequent rise in Russian nationalism.
5. problems:
suicide, lifestyle choices (smoking, alcoholism, drug abuse, poor diet), poor
health care (medical facilities still owned by the government are inefficient),
6. inside the Russian city: Russian cities are carefully planned in form and function, with circular land-use zones. a. Core has superior transportation, and the best stores and housing. Core predates Soviet era. b. sotzgorods: work-linked housing, including dorms c. chermoyuski: apartment blocks from 1950s-1960s d. mikrorayons: self-contained housing projects of 1970s-1980s e. dachas: country houses available only to the elite
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